Including PSYCH-K®

Pain Resolution Specialist in LICHFIELD, Nottingham & Online

About PSYCH-K®

What is the advantage of working with the unconscious mind? How can this help us with our dilemmas, goals, aspirations and our pain?

The unconscious is supremely more powerful than our conscious mind and so it is a good idea to HAVE IT ON OUR SIDE. For example it is estimated that whereas our conscious mind can process 2,000 bits of information per second, our unconscious processes 4 billion bits per second and conducts thousands of tasks simultaneously. Big difference.

How can we usefully communicate with the unconscious mind? Since the unconscious mind directly controls muscle function and movement in our body via the autonomic nervous system, we can use this as a bridge of communication. The bridge is called muscle testing or muscle checking. It has been researched and tested and proves to be an excellent and reliable way to communicate.

Rob Williams states that: “Your beliefs are the building blocks of your personality…beliefs affect your self-esteem, prosperity, relationships, job performance, and spiritual outlook, even your mental and physical health.”

When these beliefs are negative or limiting in nature, they will profoundly undermine and distort your view of yourself, your life and your surroundings. They can perpetuate self-sabotaging behaviour, a sense of powerlessness, and so-called ‘bad luck’. This is where PSYCH-K® comes into the picture. Here we work WITH  people to help modify their beliefs.’

The PSYCH-K® processes allow you to change these limiting beliefs into beliefs that support you…simply and easily. It is safe, fast and effective. These processes address mental and emotional blocks, and fears and resistances that obstruct your plans. They are especially effective in stress reduction.

Further information on PSYCH-K® can be found at



ACCUNECT® is a state-of-the-art Energy Medicine built on principles of Chinese Medicine that are thousands of years old. It also incorporates modern principles of Osteopathy, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and tapping techniques.

It is great for all mental, physical and spiritual issues as well as for addressing those tough cases that "nothing else touches". It helps the body and mind recover from the effects of stress.

With ACCUNECT® we use a comprehensive and all-encompassing ‘Health Map’ (see the Accunect website) that is specific to you and allows us to locate and address any dysfunction in the systems and dynamics of your Body and Mind.


We can address and balance the causes of joint aches and weaknesses, muscle pain, dysfunction in the energy systems that can lead to fatigue and mental disarray, (for example the meridians and chakras), hormonal imbalances, and the different aspects of the nervous system. And much more. The ACCUNECT® approach is ideal for removing the charge from both physical and emotional trauma.

“Its like pressing RESET on a computer - sometimes your system gets overwhelmed and needs to RESET so it can re-group and start functioning at optimal levels”.

Further information is available at

About Quantum Touch®

Quantum-Touch® is a remarkable and powerful energy healing modality that works with our innate Life Force Energy. It accepts that the ability to heal is an inherent part of people’s essential nature.

It can be used as a hands-on technique or is just as effective at a distance. It accepts that our energetic body plays a crucial role in our well-being and the that Life-Force Energy operates with intelligence far beyond our own understanding or imagination.

“Our wounds keep us from experiencing the well-being that is our birthright. Once we heal our old wounds, it is so much easier to tap into the treasures and wonders of our being.” (Richard Gordon Founder of Quantum-Touch)

About OldPain2Go®

OldPain2Go® is an amazing, revolutionary method for modifying or eliminating PAIN. PAIN IS A MESSENGER. Pain occurs to bring something to our attention.

A neural pathway is instantly set up in your brain to create this pain. Once we are aware of this message, and are prepared to act on it, the pain is no longer necessary, for it has served its purpose. We have acute pain, and we have chronic pain. In this instance “chronic pain” is regarded as pain that is no longer useful.

Often the neural circuit stays active, even though the original problem is resolved. (Think of phantom limb pain. The arm has been amputated but you can still feel intense pain in the thumb.)


With the OldPain2Go® approach, it is possible to clearly differentiate the pain that is not serving the person any more, and by harnessing the resources within the unconscious, to either remove that neural pathway entirely, so that the pain is eliminated, or to dial down the intensity of the pain so that it becomes livable with.

This process is completely safe, for it actually removes the outdated pain signals, rather than numbing the area, so that any new pain will of course still be noticed.

Further information and videos are available at


Get in touch


Single session of 1 hour @ £110.00

Single session of 1 hour and a half @ £165.00

This provides greater flexibility, more time to clarify issues and more time to reflect as the changes become apparent.

Package of 3 sessions @ £300.00, each of 1 hour duration.

This saves you £30 allows for the confidence of knowing you can pace the work, facilitating a more measured approach, and building on the previous sessions. You space the sessions according to your needs and your own preferred timing.

Package of 3 sessions @ £460.00, each of 1 hour and half duration. For those who prefer the longer sessions. Saves you £35.


For Quantum Touch® only. Sessions of one hour, @ £40.00 each. I am building up my hours as I head towards Certification in Quantum Touch®.

I offer a FREE 15 minute chat on zoom, to discuss the issues that you want to work on, to see whether what I have to offer may be of use to you and to answer questions you may have prior to arranging an initial session appointment.

I work via Online – by video link.

Please text me on +44 7966 501413 or email me.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Gerry Hale working

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